Friday, March 18, 2011

Chapter Four: Garbage Day!

"BEEP BEEP BEEP! Watch where you're going you hairy bitch!" The heavy spray of brown polluted water nearly knocked me off my feet. Cars flew by anxiously making it hard to cross the street. I picked up a piece of nearby garbage examining it for all it's worth. It's amazing to me how many neat things I can find, that people just throw away without a second glance. A brand new leather jacket... some Nike Dunks... and a functional coffee maker. Oh the ungrateful citizens of my city...

Salvaging all of the intriguing items, I make my way down the road a little until I notice something unusual...Everything heats up. I can feel beads of sweat surface on my palms and my neck starts to feel sore and numb. My eyes start to turn into giant flames and are beat-red. I cannot understand what sort of sickliness is engulfing me. Unfazed by this physical distress I continue making my way down the road. A swarm of horse flies appear from nowhere and start chasing me. Threatened by the swarm, I speedily avoid the conflict and sprint to a nearby public store. The rain prevailed and I soon found myself face-flat on the cement, scraped knees, and a broken ankle. The horse-flies felt no sympathy. While the pests bite viciously at my neck I am able to enclose my self in the nearby dumpster to wait-out any further physical damage.

Fucking annoying little monsters. It seems obscene to believe they could possibly prosper in such a soggy climate.

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